Friday, March 4, 2011

Nana & Pudge Visit

Nana & Pudge came out to visit at the end of January to help me out while Jeremy was away for work. I don't know how we could have survived without them here those two weeks! We stayed busy while they were here: Chinese New Years in Chinatown, Valentine garlands, Pearl's first trip to the fabric district, woke up to the smell of bacon every morning (thank you pudge!), etc. Nana was recruited by Finn to help sort his collections, and recruited by me to teach me to crochet. My mom and I made a small blanket for Pearl together. Later my mom came across a scrapbook page from when her mother, Pearl (my nana), taught her to crochet way back when! Pudge and (baby) Pearl spent most of the time as pictured above....

1 comment:

Kate said...

This is so sweet. And your crochet looks wonderful!